Van Baasbank & Vos presents contemporary dance, music theater and circus theater. From one-man shows to operas with 50 people (and a horse) on stage. For most performances, there is no language barrier, the emphasis is on highly visual theater and the artistic concept is mostly innovative.

Van Baasbank & Vos was founded in Amsterdam in 1985 by Jaap van Baasbank and JG Baggerman with the name Van Baasbank & Baggerman and specializes in presenting international multidisciplinary performing arts. Since November 1st 2011, Van Baasbank & Baggerman‘s name was changed to Van Baasbank & Vos. The management now consists of Kas van Baasbank and Dick Vos.

Our main activity is the production and organization of tours in the Netherlands and Belgium of various international companies. We support the theaters from start to finish and help them find and attract the right audience. Van Baasbank & Vos is also closely involved in the production of the Julidans festival which is organized every year by International Theater Amsterdam and of which Jaap van Baasbank once stood at the cradle. Finally, our organization is involved in the production of Festival Explore.

Kas van Baasbank: Artistic Director

“The process of finding and booking performances always varies. Our goal is to satisfy all parties from beginning until the end of the tour.”

Dick Vos: Managing Director

“The preparation of performances, tours and festivals is never the same. Keeping an overview, finding possible solutions and connections is what keeps my work so varied.”

Jaap van Baasbank: senior consultant dance

“My graduation thesis for the Dutch study was about 18th century travel stories. After meandering through the world of pop music and percussion, I came into contact with modern dance. The aesthetic power of this form of art led to the creation of Van Baasbank & Vos and Festival Julidans.”

Florentine Verheijden: employee marketing & publicity

“With creativity and communication skills I try to get the theaters as full as possible. It always gives me great satisfaction if that mission succeeds!”

Marijcke Voorsluijs: technical coordination

“Since 1999, my company TOT and I have been responsible for the technical coordination for the tours of Van Baasbank & Vos. All interests on the same page is my aim: to give the performance the space it needs, within the budget and the limits of Dutch law.”